Irish Megalithic Tombs

Author: Elizabeth Shee Twohig
Series: A Shire Archaeology Book
Publisher: Shire Publications
Published: First Edition 1990, Second Edition 2004, this is from the second edition.


Synopsis: This is a summary of the research that has been carried out on ‘megalithic’ tombs such as Newgrange and Knowth in County Meath. The four main tomb types are described. Plans and photographs illustrate their main features together with a brief history of the tombs and there is also a glossary of the terms used.

Review: I’ve always been facinated by the Megalithic Tombs of Ireland and this is why I bought this book.

This is a very short but interesting read. The book is packed  with great information if you are interested in the Irish Megalithic Tombs. The first chapter sets the scene by giving you an introduction to the different types of tombs that can be seen in the landscape. Chapters 3 to 6 are a deeper explanation of the different types of tombs, but it was chapter 2 that I really enjoyed. Chapter 2 was an explanation of the history of the study of these tombs.

Like I said before, the book is short, 60 pages of text, but it was 60 pages of beautifully laid out information by a really good writer who knew what she was talking about.

A section of the book that came after the conclusion (chapter 7) and the one page glossary was a list of sites to visit, there were, of course, the usual suspects (Knowth and Newgrange), but there were sites I’d never heard of (Carrowmore and Calliagh). Then of course came a further reading section, which I always look forward too in a book.

I highly recommend this tiny book.

3 thoughts on “Irish Megalithic Tombs

  1. Dafydd says:

    Thanks for the recommendation. I have a couple of the other Shire Archaeology books, and they are very useful little guides. One of these happens to be Celtic Warriors – which was a good if rather dated introduction to the subject.

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